'A New Game Plan For Union Organizing' An 8-Part Series by Harry Kelber
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This is the first of a series of eight articles on union organizing.
Unions have spent tens of millions of dollars on organizing, hired and trained hundreds of young, eager organizers, held countless sessions where the most experienced organizers devised supposedly winning strategies, conducted scores of conferences and seminars and produced tons of literature with detailed explanations of how to organize.
Our labor leaders have tried just about everything that promises to improve labor’s organizing record, and the best minds within the labor movement are still wrestling with the problem.
Yet, despite the best efforts of the Sweeney leadership, unions today represent only 13.2% of the nation’s work force, a considerable drop from the 13.9% at the time Sweeney took office. (In 1980, the figure was 23%.) The situation is worse in the private sector, where less than 9% of the total work force belongs to unions, the lowest in six decades.