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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Monday, November 15, 2004 ::

    Pipeline disaster inquiry begins By Simon Read, Tri-Valley Herald, CA
    DNA testing will be done to identify the other body recovered on Tuesday and the body that was pulled from the waterline late Thursday night, officials said.

    'What we have are two Hispanic males with very similar appearances,' Martin said. 'We want to make sure we give the families the right bodies back.'

    Cal/OSHA's Gard said the administration's investigation will examine the series of events that brought the workers into contact with the petroleum line.

    'Clearly, no one on the job expected to punch a hole in this gas line at the location they were at,' she said. 'That begs the question: 'Why did they not know the pipe was there?''

    While the exact cause of the blast remains a mystery, officials suspect the petroleum line -- owned by Houston-based Kinder Morgan -- was breached by a backhoe operated by a crew contracted out by EBMUD.
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