Union workers picket at Super Wal-Mart site By Jim Konkoly, Coshocton Tribune, OH
The ironworkers called off their picketing after receiving a letter by fax from David Hall, project manager for the general contractor.
'As of today's date, the carpenters will no longer be erecting structural steel at the above (Coshocton Wal-Mart) site,' Hall said in the letter to Ed Overdorf, business manager for Ironworkers Local 550.
Hall's pledge ended the ironworkers' picketing, even though carpenters working on structural steel was not an issue raised by the ironworkers.
'The carpenters were actually setting structural steel, but that wasn't what we grieved the job about, because I didn't want to get into a jurisdictional dispute,' Overdorf said. 'What I was doing was notifying everybody that they were not paying the area standard wage for Coshocton County.'