'Illegal' tradesmen marked for exploitation By JIM RANKIN, TorontoStar
Local 183's business manager, Tony Dionisio, has promised to help undocumented workers within the local's membership of 23,000 to 30,000 (the exact number is in dispute in the ongoing battle with the international).
"He doesn't do anything at all for the Spanish community," Carlos says.
"All the nails that we have to buy, all the tools that we have to buy, everything that we buy, we have to pay cash. The union, we have to pay. But, when (contractors) don't pay us, Dionisio doesn't do anything."
Dionisio, who doesn't often grant media interviews, says in a note to all members posted Dec. 16 to Local 183's website that different classes of members within the union do not exist. For those who feel they've been abused, he wrote, "your Local Union wishes to remind and advise you that, as a member, you owe it to yourself, your family and your Union Brothers and Sisters to defend your rights."