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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Thursday, March 10, 2005 ::

    Understanding OSHA BY KELBY HARTSON CARR, Northwest Indiana News
    How do workers report a violation?
    To get an on-site inspection, a worker must file a written complaint. They can request anonymity. First, the complaining worker must ensure that at least one of the following criteria is met for OSHA to investigate in person. There must be:
    * a written, signed complaint by an employee or employee representative with enough detail to allow OSHA to determine a danger probably exists,
    * an allegation that physical harm has happened due to a hazard that still exists,
    * a report of an imminent danger,
    * a complaint about a company in an industry covered by one of OSHA's special emphasis programs (details of which can be found at www.osha.gov/dcp/neps/nep-programs.html),
    * inadequate response from an employer who has received information on the hazard through a phone or fax investigation,
    * a complaint against an employer with a past history of egregious, willful or failure-to-abate OSHA citations in the last three years,
    * referral from a whistle blower investigator, or
    * complaint at a facility scheduled for an already ongoing OSHA inspection.
    A worker can still complain, even if one of the above criteria is not met, but it may not merit an on-site inspection. Either way, workers can file complaints about OSHA violations by calling (317) 232-6300 or visiting www.in.gov/labor/wportal/jobsafetyhealth.htm for Indiana.
    In Illinois, call (708) 891-3800 for Calumet City-area businesses or (847) 803-4800 for Chicago-area businesses, or file online at www.osha.gov/pls/osha7/eComplaintForm.html."
  • posted 2:18 PM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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