'The great white waste of time' By Cristin Schmitz, National Post
It began with an eyebrow-raising cover story on Canada in the Weekly Standard. In 'Welcome to Canada: The Great White Waste of Time,' senior writer Matt Labash observes most Americans -- when they think of Canada at all -- regard it 'as North America's attic.''
Welcome to Canada discussion, Vive le Canada
From the March 21, 2005 issue: The Great White Waste of Time.
by Matt Labash
03/21/2005, Volume 010, Issue 25
If we have bothered forming opinions at all about Canadians, they've tended toward easy pickings: that they are a docile, Zamboni-driving people who subsist on seal casserole and Molson. Their hobbies include wearing flannel, obsessing over American hegemony, exporting deadly Mad Cow disease and even deadlier Gordon Lightfoot and Nickelback albums. You can tell a lot about a nation's mediocrity index by learning that they invented synchronized swimming. Even more, by the fact that they're proud of it.
Welcome to Canada by Matt Labash, The Weekly Standard
Being bloodthirsty Americans, we have naturally fired a few warning volleys in lieu of slapping them with a restraining order. A few years ago, my friend Jonah Goldberg from National Review wrote a piece elegantly titled 'Bomb Canada,' encouraging us to smack Soviet Canuckistan, as Pat Buchanan calls it, 'out of its shame-spiral' since 'that's what big brothers do.' Canadians responded as Canadians always will when faced with overt aggression. They wrote inordinate numbers of letters of concern, exercising what Canadian writer Douglas Coupland calls their 'almost universal editorial-page need to make disapproving clucks.'
Zamboni nashville predators hockey glossary
The vehicle use to prepare the rink's ice surface before the game and after each period.