A Substitute for Organizing? What Mergers Make Sense? by Kim Moody, Labor Notes
Since one reason for merging is often administrative efficiency in the face of declining resources, there is a tendency to want to merge small locals into larger ones and to create geographically vast mega-locals that diminish membership involvement and control. This has been the trend in SEIU, UFCW, and the Carpenters.
The idea of professionally administered mega-locals is appealing to many union leaders, but is bound to undermine the one place where union democracy often flourishes: the local union.
The welcomed debate over the future shape and directions of labor in the U.S. needs to brought down to the ranks. But the debate also needs to be broadened beyond a few organizational recipes. Density and industrial focus are central. But so are member mobilization and involvement and so is the winning over of the communities in which the unorganized and the organized live.