Debate about the future of the AFL-CIO heats up on the Internet - Submitted by Steve Dondley, Communicate or Die
With the AFL-CIO convention in Chicago just ten days away, more powerful AFL-CIO leaders are moving their debate away from microphones, cameras, and board rooms and placing them onto the Internet. SEIU's Executive Vice President, Tom Woodruff, entered the fray today with this scathing riposte to IAM President Tom Buffenbarger's July 5th memo on SEIU's 'Change to Win' blog. This comes on top of a recent entry by Steelworkers' President Tom Gerard on labor blogger Jonathan Tasini's site that I mentioned earlier today.
Leo Gerard, Steelworkers President, engages in a blog-based debate - Submitted by Steve Dondley, Communicate or Die
Steelworkers President, Leo Gerard, has entered into a debate with labor blogger Jonathan Tasini. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only instance of an International president taking part in a public forum/blog debate. Of course, SEIU's Stern has his own blog but I've never seen him actually debate anyone there.
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