Workin' stiffed - By RICK BELL, The Calgary Sun
The province also really likes Tyson, paying them millions in taxpayer loot during the mad cow mess while the company pockets a killing in profits.
In fairness, after the strike is finally settled, the province does say they will look at legislation found in almost all of Canada, imposing a first contract when no deal can be reached, a law to help avoid argy-bargy, such as in Brooks, when a union tries to negotiate a first agreement with a company.
At the time, this page predicts the chances of the Tories actually crafting a single law for the working stiff were the square root of squat.
Labor woes at Tyson: Petition to decertify union comes days before contract expires - By Rita Pearson, Quad-Cities Online, IL
What's happened: More than a third of Tyson's 1,800 employees have signed a petition asking for an election to remove their union, The United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 1546. They say the union isn't doing an adequate job in representing them.