Labour Camp expected in ’07 - Mayerthorpe Freelancer, Mayerthorpe, AB
I think there is a misunderstanding as to what [the labor camp] is and what it will bring to our community,’ he said. “There is a huge labor shortage in this area and you can bring people in but then there is no place for them to live.”
Not that Wiseman is exempted from the housing or labor shortage in this project. Finding units to use in the Mayerthorpe project is proving to be an issue after he used his acquired units for the Blue Ridge project.
“It’s the chicken or the egg,” he said. “Find the units, find the workers.’
Not that Wiseman is the one who has found the workers for the camps; he has a specialized agent working with him in the Philippines to recruit based on their employer’s specific needs. Some must haves for the Canadian government are a clean criminal record, bill of health and proven skills.