Bullying affects half of US workers - In 72 percent of cases, the bully was the boss. - Straight Goods, Canada
Half of working Americans (49 percent) have suffered or witnessed workplace bullying — including verbal abuse, job sabotage, abuse of authority or destruction of workplace relationships, according to a new Workplace Bullying Institute/Zogby Interactive survey.
Prevalence: The WBI survey found that 37 percent of the US workforce, an estimated 54 million employees, have been bullied now or sometime during their worklife. Despite this epidemic-level prevalence, 45 percent of respondents said they have never seen or experienced bullying at work.
"It's clearly a 'silent epidemic,'" claims Dr Gary Namie, Director of the Workplace Bullying Institute in Bellingham, Washington. Stress from prolonged exposure to bullying (33 percent suffer for more than one year) adversely affects psychological or physical health of 45 percent of targets.