:: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 ::
Unionbusting Confidential - By Art Levine, In These Times To keep out organized labor, you need the union-busting law firm Jackson Lewis I knew I was taking a chance. Most outsiders don’t know what happens in these seminars, because the firms that specialize in them have their feelers out for spies. Union organizers and curious journalists are especially unwelcome. As much as I enjoy Las Vegas in its own right, a night of Carrot Top would not make up for being expelled from union-busting class. I therefore checked in as Arthur S. Levine, the (real) vice-president of my family’s real estate company, which owns one small building. This seemed to satisfy the people at the check-in table, who were careful not to say why we all were there. I was glad I found it at all: The seminar was kept so hush-hush that the name Jackson Lewis didn’t appear on the sign outside the door.
posted 8:05 AM :: reference link ::