Parents of WTC cop to Mike: You're wrong, our son's a hero - BY PATRICE O'SHAUGHNESSY, New York Daily News, NY
In their grief, the family believes Hirsch's decision is part of a campaign to deny that their son's death is related to 9/11. They say the campaign included the feds or the city pressuring doctors and hospitals to deny their son care, and harassment from the NYPD, with police helicopters flying over their house.
"They don't want to open the floodgates" to all the others sickened at Ground Zero, Joseph Zadroga said.
Baden, the doctor who had consulted previously with the New Jersey medical examiner, disagrees with Hirsch's findings.
Baden said the materials in James Zadroga's lungs are found in concrete and wood. Baden noted he also saw large glass fibers, plastic and other materials that would have come from toxic dust. He said the material was primarily in the airways and concluded the particles were inhaled, not injected.