How dangerous is this job? - The Wenatchee World Online, WA
It’s No. 8 out of 10 occupations listed as having the highest fatality rates nationwide in 2007.
For every 100,000 electrical power-line installers and repairers, there were 29.1 deaths last year, according to statistics compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The federal agency lists deaths in a chart that tracks employment categories with at least 15 fatalities and employing at least 30,000 workers.
Other occupations that made the Top 10 are listed below at a rate of fatalities per 100,000 workers:
1. Fishing, 111
2. Logging, 86
3. Airplane pilots, 66.7
4. Structural iron and steel workers, 45.5
5. Farmers and ranchers, 38
6. Water transportation, 29.9
7. Roofers, 29.4
9. Coal mining, 28.4
10. Truck transportation, 26.4
— Dee Riggs, World staff