AFL-CIO Runs TV Ads Opposing Bush Attempt to Slash Overtime Pay The Bush Administration's proposed change to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) would disqualify up to more than eight million workers from their right to overtime pay, according to the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute. The changes would affect a broad range of workers, including nurses, journalists, police, cooks, secretaries, firefighters, dental hygienists, administrative workers, paralegals and more. The rules would broaden the exceptions to the overtime law, thus making it easier for employers to avoid paying overtime pay. In addition, virtually all workers earning more than $65,000 would be denied overtime protection.
'National Security' Part Of Bush Plan To Gut Civil Services By Helen Thomas
The administration is also locking and loading against any involvement of unions in the civilian workforces of the Pentagon and the Transportation Department.
In a power grab, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has drafted a plan that bars collective bargaining for the Pentagon's 640,000 civilian workers, eliminates due process in the workplace and promotes public-private competition for defense work.