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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 ::

    'Unions are here to stay,' Toronto marchers say By STEPHANIE LEVITZ
    After a year of seeing their troops battered by a decimated tourism industry, strikes and layoffs, thousands of union workers marched in solidarity today in Toronto's annual Labour Day parade.

    Clad in brightly stencilled t-shirts bearing the names and local numbers of dozens of unions, the workers — from nurses to teachers to bricklayers to engineers — used this year's parade to send a message to the province and people of Ontario.

    "Unions are here to stay," said Dale McInnis, a worker with the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union.

    "We're here, we're strong and no one is going to make us go away."

    Workday Minnesota: Labor Day celebrations provide unity, hope
    ST. PAUL — Whether worried about their jobs and their children's future or concerned about the direction the country is headed, thousands of Minnesota workers found reasons to unite and be hopeful at Labor Day celebrations Monday.

    "Interfering with the freedom of workers to form and join unions has become a bloodsport in our country," Trumka said.

    Poor economy, rainy weather don't stop Labour Day events in the U.S. By MATT APUZZO
    Labour Day events were generally peaceful, but 14 people were arrested after blocking an intersection on the Yale University campus in support of striking university service and clerical workers. Rev. Jesse Jackson, who was among those arrested, had led more than 1,000 people on the march.

    "This is the site of national Labour Day outrage," Jackson said. "This is going to be for economic justice what Selma was for the right to vote."
  • posted 6:10 AM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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