:: Monday, August 23, 2004 ::
Steelworkers decided to tell Bush like it is By Edwin Chen L A TIMES
Miller told the president that he would not be getting many votes from steelworkers. Miller, a Bush supporter, drove home his point by describing the grief he caught from co-workers when he wore a 'Steelworkers for Bush' T-shirt to the plant.
Man who heckled President fired By JOHN RABY, AP
Last month, Charleston City Council apologized to two protesters arrested for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's July 4 rally. The pair were taken from the event in restraints after revealing T-shirts with Bush's name crossed out on the front and the words 'Love America, Hate Bush' on the back. Trespassing charges were ultimately dismissed.
posted 6:38 AM :: reference link ::