Relax: Labor Day is Monday By Stephanie Howard, Blue Springs Examiner, MO
Celebrated the first Monday in September, Labor day was founded in 1882 and celebrated for the first time Sept. 5.
History show conflicting stories of the founder of Labor Day. One story says Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, suggested a day to honor American workers.
On another tale says Matthew McGuire, secretary of Local 344 of the International Machinists in Paterson N.J., proposed the holiday. Regardless of who founded the holiday the Central Labor Union in New York adopted a proposal for the holiday and planned the first demonstration and picnic.
The first Monday was selected as the official date in 1884 with the hopes of spreading the holiday to other labor organizations.
In 1894, Congress recognized the first Monday in September a legal holiday.
But over time, the history and meaning have been forgotten.