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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Friday, October 29, 2004 ::

    What you need to know about the raid attempt BC Carpenters Union

    Brothers and sisters, our long and difficult struggle for independence has reached a critical stage. And, once again, we must close ranks to fend off yet another effort by Washington to remove Canadian control. After failing to convince the Labour Board and the courts, the International union has embarked on what appears to be a last desperate attempt to impose American will. The International has launched a raid against us.

    Under the guise of a so-called “New” union, the Americans are trying to get our members to sign cards to join the BC Carpenters, Floorlayers and Allied Workers Bargaining Council. The puppet council is promising to do great things, but there is not real basis to their claims.

    What you need to know about the raid attempt:

    * If you sign their card and the raid succeeds at your jobsite, BC law requires that your membership in the BC Carpenters Union Local 1995 is terminated.
    * The American controlled bargaining council does not have any contracts with civil construction employers nor can it offer work to anyone who joins.
    * Although the puppet council says it will offer choices, those choices will not be yours. They will be dictated by Washington.
    * The BC Carpenters Union has bargained many contracts and allowed members to elect their officers and ratify their own collective agreements. We still provide the best benefits and pension in the BC construction industry. All of this has been achieved in spite of repeated interference from the International.
    * A successful raid will end our dream of an autonomous Canadian union.

    We all need to remember why we decided to break loose from the International in the first place. An independent Canadian union will allow us to continue to elect our own officers, bargain our own contracts and set other policies that will benefit our members without interference. In short, we will be rid of a dictatorship that lacks basic trade union principles.

    A decision from the BC Labour Board on certifications for our new joint Carpenters – CEP bargaining council is only months away. Now, more than ever, we must stay the course.

    Brothers and sisters, independence is within our grasp.

    In solidarity,

    Randy Smith, President
  • posted 7:00 AM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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