The Economic Fact Of The Matter Is - by Rob Wilson, Future of the Union
We keep hearing the reports, I think the message is coming through loud and clear, it is a global economy. The corporate media propaganda blitz is working over time to convince the American worker that a global economy is justification for enormous wage and benefits cuts. Now more than ever before we must arm our selves and our friends with the FACTS.
Fact: Eighty percent of the privately held wealth in the United States is held with in the hands of the wealthiest 5 percent of the population. CEO pay; from 1989 to 2000 the average CEO pay rose 342 percent compared to significant drops in the wages of the average worker. In the mid sixties worker/CEO compensation was about 1 to 25 ratio but in recent years it has grown to as high as 1 to 300. In a global economy this is a distinctly American phenomenon. American executives make about three times as much as their global counterparts.