Immigrants may save organized labor - By Tom McGhee, The Denver Post
As employers turn to cheaper nonunion workers, some unions that represent the construction industry are trying to organize the immigrants who take those jobs - regardless of their immigration status, said Jim Gleason, executive secretary of the Mountain West Regional Council of Carpenters.
Adding the newcomers to union rolls could mean the difference between survival and extinction for a labor movement that is struggling to remain relevant.
Inmigrantes quizás salvarán él labor organizada - Por Tom McGhee, el Denver Post
Mientras que muchos empleadores contratan jornaleros sin afiliación sindicato, algunos sindicatos quienes representan la industria de construcción, están tratando de organizar a los inmigrantes quienes trabajan, sin importar su estado legal, dice Jim Gleason, secretario ejecutivo del Mountain West Regional Council of Carpenters.
Agregando mas personas a los sindicatos quizás pueda significar una diferencia entre la supervivencia y la extinción de un movimiento de labor batallando a quedar relevante.