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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Thursday, September 07, 2006 ::

    Labor giants try cooperation, not conflict - By Anya Sostek, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
    At the AFL-CIO, organizing director Stewart Acuff said the last year has gone much more smoothly than he had feared, citing organizing victories such as the 20,000 Cingular employees unionized by the Communication Workers of America.

    But Mr. Acuff said the manpower of the Change to Win unions has been missed during certain campaigns, such as the protest against the National Labor Relations Board's upcoming decisions on cases classifying some union members as supervisors. He added that there's often administrative hassles when the groups do work together.

    'While it hasn't been as bad as we feared, it's had a negative effect,' he said.

    Still, the fact that the differences between the two union groups so far have been relatively subtle raises the question of whether the split actually reflected diverging philosophies, or just diverging egos at the top of the unions -- as some suggested at the time.
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