A road of apprehension swerves superhighway idea - By WILLIAM PETROSKI, DesMoinesRegister
The Teamsters union has been a major critic of free-trade highway plans. An article published in August in the Teamster magazine detailed interviews with Mexican truck drivers who told how they drove for days without sleep, fueled by cocaine and methamphetamine while earning about $1,100 a month.
Mexican truckers are now restricted to roads near the U.S. border. The Teamsters are concerned the Bush administration wants Mexican truck drivers to drive freely on all U.S. highways.
Teamster President Jim Hoffa, in a Detroit News column, said plans for a NAFTA superhighway would "allow global conglomerates to capitalize by exploiting cheap labor and nonexistent work rules and avoiding potential security enhancements at U.S. ports."
The problem is not Mexican truck drivers, but flawed trade agreements that pit worker against worker, he said.