:: Sunday, September 24, 2006 ::
Cooking the Books, Part II: The Stick and The Doctor - Confined Space Another key to maintaining miraculously low injury and illness rates at the Bay Bridge was careful management of the “work status reports” received by KFM from its contract first-aid personnel on site, from the three occupational health clinics under contract to diagnose and treat injured workers, and from the third party administrator of its self-insured workers compensation insurance. Treatment for injuries that only require “first aid” is not recordable, but lost or restricted workdays are. Work status reports are a key trigger for recording “lost work days” and/or “restricted work days” on the OSHA Log 300. KFM’s safety staff spent a lot of time, according to Cal/OSHA’s investigative file, riding herd on the diagnosis and treatment of injured workers to ensure that they didn’t turn into “lost” or “restricted” work days.
posted 7:42 AM :: reference link ::