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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 ::

    Laborers’ is model training center for ’hard hats’ - By Helen Prunty Krispien, Hopkinton Crier, MA
    As laborers they are part of the construction industry, Merloni said. "We tend to the carpenter; to the brick layer. We make scaffold, lay concrete, dig holes, dig trenches, pour concrete, and lay pipe."

    Merloni added, "There are probably seventy-five different skills laborers are qualified to do, and that is why construction workers are one of the most sought after trades in the industry because we have so many skills."

    There are many different programs with varying lengths of time to learn a skill.

    "The federal government has come up with a scaffold and builder user certification program with the user taking eight hours of study and the builder taking the same amount of time," he said. "The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a 10- hour safety program and Massachusetts passed a law that everyone working on a construction site must have a 10 hour OSHA safety program."

    Adding, "We teach them how to remove asbestos, hazardous waste material, and mold, and how to drill with jack hammers, and use pavement breakers. We keep them here for two days to learn these skills."
  • posted 5:35 AM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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