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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Monday, December 11, 2006 ::

    Court lets Telus union fire its president -- but rules he must remain a member
    - Vancouver Sun Dec. 9 - subscription required
    B.C. Supreme Court Judge Joel Groves on Friday granted the Telecommunication Workers Union an injunction upholding its decision to fire Bruce Bell as its president.
    Judge grants TWU an injunction banning union leader
    It is a temporary resolution to the ongoing bitter dispute that split the union following the ratification of a controversial contract with Telus Corp. a year ago.

    "This is very much a Band-Aid solution," Groves said, but added that it was necessary to allow the TWU to function.

    Groves' ruling upholds an August decision by the union's internal decision-making body, the TWU trial board, removing Bell as president.

    He rejected the appeal decision of Canadian Labour Congress ombudsman John Shields, which reinstated Bell, and denied the now-former president his application for an injunction to stop the union from interfering in his role.
    Telecommunications Workers Union Awarded an Injunction - Canada NewsWire
    BURNABY, BC, Dec. 8 /CNW/ - Today, the BC Supreme Court granted an Interim Interlocutory Injunction restraining Bruce Bell from representing himself to any person as the President of the Telecommunications Workers Union (TWU), or for seeking to exercise any powers of the President of the TWU.

    The TWU deemed the application for an injunction necessary as it was evident that Bruce Bell refused to recognize Executive Council's authority or to follow their direction. Executive Council are responsible for running the Union and for the day to day servicing of the membership.

    "We are pleased that Justice Groves has granted this injunction. The TWU will now move forward focusing our energies and resources in the servicing of our membership. Our members expect and deserve principled leadership. This injunction ensures that checks and balances remain in place which will protect our members," explains TWU Acting President John Carpenter.

    The Telecommunications Workers Union represents over 11,600 members within the Canadian communications sector for over 55 years.

    For further information: TWU Acting President John Carpenter at (403) 237-6990, TWU office - Calgary; or visit the TWU website at www.twu-canada.ca
  • posted 7:13 AM :: reference link ::
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