Chicago Federation of Labor not backing Daley - BY FRAN SPIELMAN, Chicago Sun-Times
'It's not just big box-living wage or right-to-know [legislation for striking hotel workers]. It's not just about the city contract where we waited 28 months and retirees didn't get back paychecks. It's not just about charter schools for teachers, privatization of city services over the years or the layoffs we went through. It's a combination of all of that,' Chicago Federation of Labor president Dennis Gannon said.
'Organized labor has always been a good partner for the mayor -- be it on pension reform or legislation in Springfield dealing with Illinois FIRST, casino gambling, McCormick Place and O'Hare [expansion]. We just don't think it's been a two-way street.'
Daley said he was not offended by the group's unprecedented non-endorsement."