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    this weblog is the work of dave livingston, a union carpenter in nelson bc canada

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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 ::

    The British Columbia Union Label Trades Council
    'I am a union worker and I shall not undermine the welfare of my fellow brothers and sisters. Canadian working people laboured too long and too hard for me to destroy their gains by purchasing non-union.'

    'I am a trade unionist and refuse to reward those who have opposed my existence and way of life. I will not permit my union-earned dollars to penetrate the walls of those establishments where a union card is the same as a 'No Vacancy' or 'Not Welcome'. As a person who believes in the dignity and rights of people, before I buy I shall look for the Union Label, Shop Card or Service Button. In so doing I will strengthen the security of men and women who believe as I do in the goals of a free labour movement. Buy Union Buy Canadian.'

    'I am a union family person who has been blessed with a decent living. I have come to enjoy better things because of the devotion, dedication and the desire of those before me who laboured to provide a standard of living unparalleled in the world. I shall not destroy all their efforts and render helpless all the causes they so earnestly fought to win for workers.'

    'I am a member of organized labour and will never forget I would not be able to purchase the amount of products I do without a union job and, therefore, common sense and a deep commitment to the ideals of our movement and demand that I purchase those products which will further our cause.'

    'I will support and strengthen my fellow brothers and sisters by using a simple tool -- The Label Golden Rule -- Buy Union Products and Use Union Services as You Would Have Union Wages Paid Unto You!'
  • posted 2:00 PM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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