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"The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
Cesar Chavez
:: Monday, August 09, 2004 ::
BC's marine workers join forces to fight Crown corporation decision to build ships offshore LabourStart
A storm of controversy is building over a newly-minted Crown corporation’s decision to build ferries outside the province of British Columbia. BC Ferry Services is about to give a foreign shipyard a contract worth half a billion dollars to an a foreign shipyard. Marine workers are fighting back, and even have the support of a Liberal MLA and several local Mayors. A full page ad was carried in The Province newspaper August 5, appealing to the public to send the B.C. Liberal government and BC Ferry Services the message that the public wants tax dollars to support the local economy.
BC Ferry Services has secretly decided to build three new Super-C Class ferries in a European shipyard, one more than previously known, in a move that will cost British Columbia shipyards 2,000 jobs and a more than $500 million investment, says the Shipyard General Workers’ Federation.