Lurching Ferries, Lurching Liberals by Robin Mathews, Vive le Canada
I wanted to have the mad, fantasy-act financing of the new ferry monster explained simply and honestly. I wrote Attorney General Plant. He wrote to me that the access to information (“Information and Privacy Commissioner”) commissioner could no longer oversee B.C. Ferries (because he was purposefully excluded by the new Act). Plant suggested I contact a highly placed officer of the B.C. Ferries. I did. She ignored my letters.
And so I wrote to premier Gordon Campbell and asked for information. What ensued is almost impossible to believe. He wrote to me and recommended that I consult the Information and Privacy Commissioner whom, Campbell stated in his letter – “an independent officer of the legislature” … “is legally empowered” under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to deal with such complaints.
Gordon Campbell, premier of the Province, parent of the new Ferry Act which excludes the Information and Privacy Commissioner from oversight of the newly fantasized B.C. Ferries, recommended I consult the Information and Privacy Commissioner about my inquiries and my failure to get a response about B.C. Ferries!