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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Monday, August 02, 2004 ::

    NY Times on Union Discord NathanNewman.org - News and Views
    Steven Greenhouse gives a bit of a blow by blow of the internal debate by unions on the future of the labor movement.

    Some want leaders like SEIU's Andy Stern to shut up until after the election, but part of the problem is that people have been "shutting up" about such internal debates for two long. As Bruce Raynor, president of the newly merged Unite Here union of garment and hotel workers, argues:
    The labor movement needs to confront these issues, but not in a backroom," Mr. Raynor said. "We're not the Kremlin. It's not like people don't know that our ability to protect American workers has been weakened. We have to turn that around, and to some degree that debate has to be done publicly."

    And we can walk and chew gum at the same time, mobilize for the November election, while debating who will head the AFL-CIO next year-- and more importantly, what policies the movement should adopt to get stronger.
  • posted 7:48 AM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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