reference is about halfway down page... subtitled 'More on Those Bush Events'
White House Goes to the Blogs By Dan Froomkin,
Lindlaw writes: "Bush's admission policy can leave the impression that the president has strong support wherever he goes."
Lindlaw also solves the mystery of how Bush seemed to get such a warm reception from union members in Las Vegas last week: He didn't.
It turns out that just because he spoke at a union hall doesn't mean he was speaking to union members.
"Labor unions traditionally align with Democrats and have not been particularly friendly to Bush. So when Bush spoke at a Las Vegas union hall Thursday, the campaign used its usual ticket distribution policy to pack the hall with backers.
"The crowd roared its approval throughout the speech. Some tickets were also given to union members. A few of them sat silently in the back rows."
Here's the
text of that speech, which the White House press office headlined: "President Speaks to Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners."