Statement of General President Jim Hoffa on President Bush's Overtime Cuts PRNewswire
This is yet another salvo in the battle that this administration has waged against working families, siding with special interests and big business instead of the millions of Americans who work for hourly wages. Those families who depend on the additional pay generated by overtime to put food on the table for their families and keep a roof over their heads will now be forced to take second, third or fourth jobs.
NOW Blasts Bush Administration for Leaving Millions of Working Families Behind; National Organization for Women
New Overtime Laws Devastating to Middle- and Lower-Income Americans
'The Bush administration is sacrificing working families on the altar of corporate greed,' said Gandy. 'We are witnessing a concerted and interconnected campaign to undermine 65 years of fair labor law and worker protections. Bush and conservative leaders in Congress have set out on a course to save their large, corporate donors millions of dollars by removing troublesome workers from overtime coverage; cutting down on expensive lawsuits with stricter 'class action' requirements; adding 'new' workers eligible for overtime to cover their tracks.'