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"The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
Cesar Chavez
:: Monday, September 06, 2004 ::
AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney Remarks for Labor Day AFL-CIO
As I travel the country, I see what this means for working families. The plant worker whose job went to China and who now works in a grocery store for half the pay and no benefits. The middle-aged couple who both lost their jobs and are doing everything they can to hold onto their house. The I.T. worker who trained her replacement in India, can’t find another job and has exhausted her unemployment benefits. The young couple with a child who work full-time, but don’t have health insurance. I’m sure you know the statistics, but let me just remind you that President Bush promised 5 million new jobs - - and he’s 6 million jobs behind on that promise. He will be the first President since Hoover and the Great Depression to end his term with more people out of work than when he began. But it’s not just about the number of jobs. The fact is that we are losing good jobs, and those we are gaining are not as good.