200,000 Election Volunteers Lost Chance to Recruit LaborTalk By Harry Kelber
Because of organized labor’s tremendous effort, union households were able to account for about a quarter of the national vote, with the bulk of it — 65% — going to the Kerry-Edwards ticket.
Yet one wonders why AFL-CIO strategists didn’t see the election campaign as a way to recruit new members or at least build favorable sentiment for unions. With 200,000 union volunteers talking to millions of unorganized workers on job sites and in the communities, we had a made-to-order opening to get the union message to that vast audience in one-on-one discussions. Why did the AFL-CIO pass up this wonderful opportunity?
In training volunteers how to make house calls, they could have taught them how to bring the conversation around to the advantages of belonging to a union, without diminishing their pitch in behalf of Senator Kerry.