Big Dig head suggests agreement on cost recovery By Amy Lambiaso/ State House News Service
Scrutiny of the Big Dig has increased during the last several months after dozens of panels were found to be leaking inside the new Interstate 93 northbound tunnel. Following today's press briefing at the Big Dig's Kneeland Street headquarters, Keith Sibley, program manager for Bechtel/Parsons Brinkerhoff, said officials have searched documents and identified 165 "locations to be looked at" throughout the tunnel, out of a possible 5,000 points of interest.
Those locations, or so-called "bays," are separate from the 12 panels that need significant repair, and the 10 panels needing "minor patching," Sibley said. Construction will begin on those 10 panels next week. "We owe the public a good, thorough investigation," Sibley said.