Working Girls of Boston: Women at work in the 1880s Workers Comp Insider
If you were one of 20,000 women employed in a non-domestic job in Boston in the 1880s, you probably worked a 10-hour day, six days a week and earned $6.03 for your weekly labors. You didn't have very much time off. If you were among the lucky one in five working women who had any vacation time at all, you probably didn't get paid. If you had a holiday, you were likely docked in pay. If you worked for one of the larger employers, you might even be docked in pay for being as little as a single minute late to work - in some instances, fines might be levied. And if you needed to be out sick, at least some jobs required that you find a substitute worker.
This profile was garnered from a 130 page report entitled The Working Girls of Boston that was published in 1989. It's available online in its entirety from the Harvard University Library. The report was compiled from the 1880 census and from interviews with 1,032 working women.