:: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 ::
Strengthening Our Union Movement For The Future AFL-CIO
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETS--The AFL-CIO Executive Council will examine ways to strengthen America's union movement for the future and make the concerns of working families a top national priority at its March 1-3 winter meeting in Las Vegas. In addition to proposals for change, the council's agenda includes stopping President George W. Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security, the campaign for good jobs and against the Wal-Martization of jobs and restoring workers' freedom to form unions. New proposals for change from unions and others are posted on the AFL-CIO's website that examines ways to strengthen the union movement for the future. Visit http://www.aflcio.org/ourfuture to read the proposals and comments and post your own comments.
posted 12:13 PM :: reference link ::