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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 ::

    Wal-Mart intimidated unionists, board rules By BERTRAND MAROTTE, The Globe and Mail
    The Quebec Labour Relations Board has ordered retailing titan Wal-Mart to stop intimidating and harassing employees who are trying to organize fellow workers at a store in the Quebec City suburb of Ste-Foy on their lunch and coffee breaks.

    Union officials cheered the decision as a morale-booster in their campaign to unionize targeted Quebec stores. Wal-Mart's recent decision to shut its Jonquière store, where the union was trying to negotiate the first collective agreement in North America, sent a chill over the aggressive unionizing drive.

    Wal-Mart told to stop harassing workers to try to unionize Reuters
    In a decision Thursday, board commissioner Louis Garant said he found that Wal-Mart Canada tried to hinder the formation of a union at a store in Sainte-Foy, a borough of the provincial capital, Quebec City.

    In his reasons for the decision, Garant said Wal-Mart (Research) officials intimidated three female employees, seeking to prevent them from exercising their rights under the labor code to form a union.

    In a statement, the United Food and Commercial Workers union said the decision showed Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, cannot violate workers' fundamental rights without paying the consequences.
  • posted 12:26 PM :: reference link :: 0 comments ::
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