Starbucks fires union organizer - By ELIZABETH M. GILLESPIE, AP
The world's largest specialty coffee retailer, which is often lauded for offering generous benefits that include health insurance for part-time workers, contends there are no unionized Starbucks stores in the United States.
And while the IWW Starbucks Workers Union has not been formally certified under the National Labor Relations Act, it claims to represent dues-paying members who have bargained for certain job improvements, including pay raises.
Starbucks Union Statement of Solidarity from Canadian Union of Postal Workers - Infoshop News
As a representative of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers I am appalled that IWW member and Starbucks barista Daniel Gross is being investigated by your company and faces termination for engaging in lawful protected activity. Standing side-by-side with an embattled co-worker and fellow union member as Daniel did is the essence of the labor movement. Retaliating against Daniel for engaging in mutual aid is both immoral and illegal.
Statement of Solidarity from David Bleakney, National Union Representative - Canadian Union of Postal Workers