"Union Facts": Pure Fiction - By Tom Chamberlain, BlueOregon guest column
Tom is the president of the Oregon AFL-CIO.
You may have seen the spiteful full-page newspaper ad or the prime-time commercials from a group calling itself the 'Center for Union Facts'. If you smelled a rat, you're right. Here are the real facts behind the distortions.
FACT: The Center for Union Facts is a PR facade
Richard Berman's Center for Union Facts is reportedly funded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which fights against unions on worker-friendly laws like the prevailing wage for construction workers, minimum wage increases, and Fair Share Health Care legislation. An anonymous source revealed to the AFL-CIO that, in a meeting of the State Chambers of Commerce National Conference held on Sanibel Island in Florida on January 26, the State Chambers announced they were spending $8 million a year ($2 million a quarter) to launch this anti-union campaign.