SEIU's leader wants shake-up of the union
- By Steve Law, Salem Statesman Journal, OR
Q: Aren't the Carpenters part of your Change to Win Federation?
A: Yes.
Q: They seem more vulnerable to losing union-scale jobs.
A: We've been losing jobs for a long time in the construction industry before there were problems in immigration. It's just a question of whether they were low-wage non-immigrants taking jobs or low-wage immigrants taking jobs. There's just so many changes going on in the economy, I think sometimes people are looking for simple solutions for what is now a very complex thing. This is not our fathers' and grandfathers' economy.
Q: You've gone out front urging that the cost of health insurance be shifted off the employer, so that the price of American-made goods doesn't include the health-care tab, which is making American goods less competitive overseas. How do you do that?
A: First we should admit as a country that it is a really dangerous economic plan to put the cost of health care on the price of the products and try to sell them around the world when none of your competitors are.