U.S. shocks Canadian forest companies - By Gordon Hamilton, Vancouver Sun
'This agreement ends years of costly litigation and brings new economic certainty to those companies and workers across Canada whose livelihoods depend on the softwood lumber industry,' Emerson stated.
Details of what the two countries agreed to are contained in an Oct. 6 order from the U.S. Court of International Trade. The court states that 'the United States Department of Commerce will revoke in their entirety the underlying anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders on softwood lumber from Canada.'
That surprise move stunned industry leaders here and has trade lawyers working throughout the Thanksgiving weekend trying to figure out what it all means.
But some sawmillers are already saying this latest wrinkle in the trade dispute is a strong Canadian win as it preserves five years of hard-won victories by Canada before both the World Trade Organization and NAFTA.
'The U.S. has agreed to come to the party,' said B.C. lumberman David Gray, co-chair of the Free Trade Lumber Council.