Millions of AFL-CIO Members Support Universal, Single-Payer Health Insurance - LaborTalk By Harry Kelber
When the AFL-CIO Executive Council meets March 6-8 in Las Vegas, it will be deciding what to do about the nation's most important domestic problem, health insurance for all Americans. It should recognize the wishes of millions of union members and endorse and campaign for the United States National Health Insurance Act (H.R. 676)) that would establish a single-payer health insurance system with guaranteed coverage for all Americans.
The Council will surely be impressed by the grass-roots, extraordinary support for H.R. 676. Union members in 40 states, represented by 239 labor organizations that include four international unions, 17 state federations, 63 central labor councils and scores of local unions, favor the single-payer measure, which eliminates profiteering by insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and HMOs.