:: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 ::
Virginia Man Jailed for Using Homeless for Improper Asbestos Removal - Occupational Health & Safety Callahan did not provide the homeless men with adequate protective gear and instructed them to cut the asbestos-containing material with knives and hack saws without first wetting it, which is required by federal law to safely remove asbestos. By not wetting the materials first, the men created harmful asbestos dust that could be inhaled. As part of the investigation, EPA's forensic laboratory in Denver conducted sampling and analysis of the materials and confirmed the presence of asbestos, which is commonly used in thermal insulation, fireproofing and other building materials. When asbestos-containing materials become damaged or disturbed, the fibers separate and may become airborne and inhaled; exposure can result in serious or fatal respiratory diseases, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. EPA requires anyone disturbing building materials that may contain asbestos keep the materials wet in order to prevent the fibers from becoming airborne.
posted 6:15 AM :: reference link ::