Ashcroft Taking Fire from GOP Stalwarts BOISE, Idaho--Even here, in a bedrock Republican state in the heart of the conservative Mountain West, a lot of people think Attorney General John D. Ashcroft has gone too far,' according to The Washington Post. ''Ashcroft wants more power,' said state Rep. Charles Eberle (R-Post Falls), who has drafted a resolution critical of the Patriot Act. 'What a lot of us in Idaho are saying is, 'Let's not get rid of the checks and balances.' ... People out here in the West are used to taking care of themselves. We don't like the government intruding on our constitutional rights.'
Ashcroft, building hit list, has bad aim By C. Dean Furman - Snitch Columnist
Attorney General John Ashcroft is at it again, moving to expand his authority into new areas of influence. In an article published in The Washington Post, it was reported that Ashcroft sent a directive to all U.S. Attorneys’ offices in the country to keep tabs on how federal judges depart from the Sentencing Guidelines. In other words, Ashcroft wants a hit list compiled of judges who fail to share his vision of justice.
The Village Voice: John Ashcroft's Patriot Act Summer Tour by Mark Fiore: "Ashcroft Rocks, & Rolls America!"
Las Vegas Mercury: Cover Story: Big Brother powwow By Heidi Walters: Ashcroft says we can have this much freedom--if we're good.
Public left out in rain during PATRIOT Act performance