Companies fight costs of asbestos lawsuits By Lisa Zagaroli
Asbestos by the numbers
10,000 people are expected to die in the United States from asbestos-related diseases in 2003.
1,500 asbestos personal injury cases were pending at the end of 2002 in Wayne County; 100 asbestos cases are permitted on Wayne County Circuit Court's docket every other month, or 600 a year.
267 cases were scheduled for trial in Saginaw County between Oct. 28 and Dec. 16, 2003.
8,400 companies have asbestos claims filed against them.
200,000 asbestos claims are pending nationwide and 40,000 new ones are filed every year.
25,000 asbestos cases were pending against Ford Motor Co. at the start of 2003, and the company has taken five to trial so far this year.