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"The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
Cesar Chavez
:: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 ::
Union uses hip-hop to spread its word By Shawn Charniga, The Troy Record
'To actually create what was conceived requires so much work and stress that you get a little run down,' Michelen said while seated on the ground under shade trees behind the stage. He spoke of the difficulty of overcoming the public's perceptions of unions in order to highlight their original intent and necessity.
'As labor, especially in this (Albany) area, we were looking at how do we develop and progress. We realized that we needed to work with younger people and we needed to make the image about more than contracts and money,' said the state University of Binghamton grad, who moved to Albany two years ago to work with the 1199 Service Employees International Union.