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    "The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people."
    Cesar Chavez

    :: Saturday, December 25, 2004 ::

    Santa finds it hard to be jolly in a modern world by Gary Truitt, Brownfield, MO
    As for that famous workshop, the image of happy elves working all year long making toys is a joke. It is likely the elves would be unionized and have paid vacations, sick days, 401Ks, workman’s comp, grievance procedures, and sexual harassment policies. If Santa tried to cut costs by moving the workshop from the North Pole to Mexico, strikes and work slowdowns would ensue. If St Nick had decided to relocate to the Peoples Republic of China to cut down on labor costs, the US would slap import tariffs on many of his gifts. That master list that Santa checks twice would be incomplete since many of the letters to Santa from girls and boys would have been lost, spindled, or mutilated and irradiated by the postal service as part of their anti-anthrax measures. Those children who sat on Santa’s lap at the mall and whispered their wishes to the jolly old elf would also be disappointed on Christmas morning since Santa would not be able to repeat the children’s list to his elves without running afoul of the government’s new privacy protection procedures.
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