Focusing the AFL-CIO debate: Bureaucracy vs. Democracy by Herman Benson, Union Democracy Review
Regrettably, this scheme is more than a nightmarish dream. It is actually a work in progress. Where they have power, some of our NUPers are already shaping their labor movement to their hearts' desire. In reorganizing, the Carpenters union has emptied locals of power, autonomy, and dignity and turned them into impotent social clubs. Locals are merged into sprawling regional councils, each subject to the authoritarian power of an executive secretary treasurer, who determines who can hold a paid union position. Carpenter locals are forbidden to pay their own elected local officers, or any other staffers except clericals. In any event, locals are deprived of the major source of construction union income: the work tax, which now goes directly to the region for disbursement by the all-powerful executive secretary treasurer. The NUP vision is a labor movement in the grip of well-meaning, self-appointed saviors.